mindfulness meditation for fertility
Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
What is Mindfulness?
- a scientifically validated exercise for the brain
- promotes frontal lobe growth, increasing emotional regulation
- shrinks the amygdala , decreasing cortisol levels
- supports quicker recovery from strong emotions like disappointment, frustration, irritability, & fear
- strengthens the ability to observe thoughts & emotions without reacting & being carried away by them
- relieves depression & optimizes fertility
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
~Viktor Frank
90% of the Brain’s activity occurs beneath conscious awareness. Even though it may seem that we have control over how we think, feel & behave, we often get swept away by strong emotion & react in ways that automatically occur out of unconscious habit.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change & grow. The brain is continually reshaped by our life experiences & our thoughts. How we focus our awareness determines which networks in the brain become strong & which ones become weak & lost.
So the more we worry, the better we become at worrying. But if we practice being calm, clear & focused, then we increase our capacity to settle our mind & nervous system. This allows us to take information in with more clarity, accuracy & objectivity, enabling us to manage challenging situations more skilfully.
When we cultivate our mindfulness skills, we still experience negative feelings, but we are able to recover much more quickly & decrease the negative impacts on our bodies.